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Theory of Change

A theory of change is a description of how and why change is expected to happen as a result of some change-related action or activity.  It describes the current reality and desired long and shorter term future, including goals to be accomplished and the tasks, outcomes, and reasoning that support them.


Leadership qualities we aim to enhance are: 

1. Fortitude. Emotional and mental resilience and strength in facing threat, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously; the invincibility of mind along with the ethical and moral courage and physical stamina to persevere in the face of difficulty, setbacks, delays, and losses. 

2. Temperance/Responsibility. Self-awareness and -discipline to recognize and appropriately channel passions and appetites; willingness to be accountable; consistently exercising restraint in spoken words, body language, directives, and actions in the pursuit of excellence.  

3. Prudence. Practical wisdom and the ability to make the right choice in specific situations

4. Justice/Fairness. Honesty, legal compliance, keeping promises; adhering to a balanced standard of justice without undue bias 

5. Trustworthiness.  Creating a team and organizational atmosphere of trust and confidence; being personally trustworthy and holding confidence; being consistently dependable and reliable; exhibiting honesty, integrity, loyalty; refraining from manipulation and deception 

6. Respect. In behavior toward others maintaining civility, courtesy, decency, dignity, autonomy, tolerance, and acceptance; prohibiting humiliation, manipulation, and exploitation

7. Caring.  Authentically expressing benevolence and altruism

8. Citizenship. Effectively carrying out the role of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen of a democracy, not solely an organizational leader.

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Here is our believed current reality and envision short- and long-term future : 

  • From a focus on self or group into greater emphasis on the greater good of the wider community and the world 

  • From leaping into interpretation and judgment toward inquiry and greater understanding

  • From viewing others as competitors to perceiving them as collaborators 

  • From emphasizing weaknesses and a negative slice toward emphasizing the past and current successes and the desired possible future 

  • From acting as if people and nature were means to ends towards acting as if they were valued, respected, and worth nurturing and protecting  

  • From believing that our economic system (locally to globally) is of higher priority than any other system to realizing that our economic system needs a thriving environment and healthy people in order to work 

  • From short term orientation towards integrating long term thinking into decision making 

  • From either/or and one-right-way thinking to both/and and many-right-ways thinking 

  • From linear and causal explanations to acknowledging complexity, interconnection and inter-dependency 

  • From conflict characterized by mutual hostility and impasse to conflict characterized by mutual respect and forward movement 


Goals to be accomplished and the tasks, outcomes, and reasoning that support them:

•  To help children, teens, and adults develop greater self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and relational skills to improve their individual and collaborative outcomes in their relationships at home, at work, and elsewhere in life. This leads to greater personal life satisfaction, a sense of meaning, purpose, and hope, and to be of contribution within their communities. 

•  For those in leadership positions programs to develop keener and faster insight in their organizational arena, sturdier resilience in the face of change and challenge, foster an environment of collaboration and innovation, enhance relational and communications skills in themselves and others, and improve a variety of team and organizational development and management competencies.

•  To add to practical knowledge about effective ways of building resilience, collaboration, and successful leadership models through evidence-based research which can be conducted by researchers studying the effectiveness of FNF programs.

*First Nature Foundation is a Equine and Nature Facilitated Development center. We do not provide any form of equine therapy.*

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